Accredinator Updates – June 2024

Accredinator – Latest Updates

Latest updates for Accredinator from H2 Software (June 2024)

An update for Accredinator went live in June 2024.

In addition to some general updates and fixes, Accredinator has several new features:

  • Support for BGA Accreditation
  • Ability to switch between a five and six year period for AACSB accreditation (to facilitate schools transitioning to the new six year cycle)
  • Expanded maps, to include campus locations, faculty nationalities and educational partners.
  • Expanded reporting to view faculty with multi-nationalities and multi-languages (which is particularly helpful to support FT Masters in Management rankings)
  • Added age bracketing options to AMBA Faculty Reports
  • Converting Google maps to static images
  • Replaced Google barcodes for MFA setup with Quickchart barcodes

For further details on these updates or other features of Accredinator email QED directly at You may book a free demo via our Calendly.

Accredinator is a software application that helps business schools with accreditation requirements for AABS, AACSB, AMBA and EFMD.  It also provides summary data for PRiME reporting.  You can learn more about  Accredinator (including booking a free demo) here.

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