

WEBINAR RECORDING: An Introduction to International Business School Accreditation

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Are you new to the world of international business school accreditation?


Joanne Powell was the key speaker for a webinar hosted by KIMEP University’s Bang College of Business.  The topic is ‘An Introduction to International Business School Accreditation systems’, and it presents a high level summary of each of the top accreditations (AACSB, AMBA, EFMD Programme Accreditation, and EQUIS).  A recording of the webinar is available for viewing here (original English version) with translations in  Kazakh and Russian also.


If you’ve any questions on the topics raised in this webinar, please contact the QED Accreditation Team at info@QEDaccreditation.com.

Free Webinar: An Introduction to International Business School Accreditation

By | Webinars

Are you looking for an introduction to international business school accreditation systems? If so, this webinar might be for you. Joanne Powell is guest speaker at KIMEP University‘s Bang College of Business webinar on Thursday, March 16th. Times are listed below and registration is required at https://lnkd.in/eNUu7Bqp

For advice and further details on any of the above, please contact the QED Accreditation Team at info@QEDaccreditation.com.

Image for article on MBA degrees

New article – Managing MBA Degree Offers as a Portfolio

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Image for article on MBA degreesRead a recent article that calls for greater focus on degree connectivity when managing MBA offerings. The article has been co-authored by Ulrich Hommel (Xolas), Joanne Powell (QED) and Sarah Hardcastle (Hardcastle and Associates); and published in MBA International Review, Nr. 82, pp. 14-16.   A copy of the article is also available here.

This article focuses on the advantages of managing a portfolio of MBA degrees as a portfolio. Whilst this might sound tautological, it reflects our experience that many business schools continue to run MBA programs on a relatively stand-alone basis, which can be explained by path dependency or internal governance arrangements. More typical is what we term the traditional portfolio approach, a focus on increasing gross revenue returns via market segmentation and realizing cost economies by pooling activities across programs.

We suggest a complementary and generally overlooked viewpoint that offering MBA programs with within portfolio connectivity in mind can help to realize revenue (and additional cost) synergies that increase gross returns in the aggregate. They will “carry the day” if outweighing the opportunity cost of de-segmentation of the overall offer.

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QED Advisor nominated for LIFT Award

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QED advisor,  Joanne Powell, has been nominated for a LIFT (https://liftireland.ie/) award in the leadership category of Competence. Her nomination included reference to her “love for learning and self improvement and implementing change for the betterment of the organisation” and also noted that she “is highly respected and hugely trusted because of her competency.

LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise aimed at increasing the level of positive leadership in Ireland.  All nominations are being reviewed in the coming weeks, with the shortlist being announced in early January, before the live awards ceremony (date tbc).  To learn more about the LIFT values and LIFT process, visit https://liftireland.ie/about/

Email QED to learn more

Accreditation Fees & Costs – Nov 2022

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Accreditation Costs

There are several facets to the costs of accreditation:
  1. Payments made to the relevant accreditation bodies and comprise a mix of membership fees, accreditation fees and other expenses etc.  These are relatively fixed and easy to estimate (see link below).
  2. Staffing and advisory costs to support accreditation.  These are harder to estimate, and depend on several factors. For example:
    • Will there be an accreditation team with sufficient time and experience to manage the full accreditation process?
    • Are there additional faculty allowances given to accreditation?
    • Will the School require some external input, to support the internal resources?
  3. Investment Costs:  These vary hugely from school to school and naturally depend on each School’s strategic priorities.  Of course, strategic investment costs are not always linked to accreditation: Some strategic decisions will be made regardless of accreditation plans.  Others may only be made as a consequence of accreditation.

QED has listed the costs and fees associated with each of the accreditation bodies (#1 above), valid as of 11 November 2022.  These can be viewed here.

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