Mar 23 5 Thursday Thought: Week 5 By Shantle Fabico | Thursday Thought #Week 05: What new beliefs and behaviours are you practicing and nurturing in your organisation?
Mar 16 5 Thursday Thought: Week 4 By Shantle Fabico | Thursday Thought #Week 04: When faced with challenges, how do you “lean in” to adaptability to build strength?
Mar 09 5 Thursday Thought: Week 3 By Shantle Fabico | Thursday Thought #Week 03: What influence are you having on others today?
Mar 02 5 Thursday Thought: Week 2 By Shantle Fabico | Thursday Thought #Week 02: What are you doing daily to earn trust with others?
Feb 23 5 Thursday Thought: Week 1 By Shantle Fabico | Thursday Thought #Week 01: What is your vision for your organisation?
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