Accredinator Updates – January 2023

By 16th January 2023Accredinator, Resource

Accredinator – Latest Updates

Latest updates for Accredinator from H2 Software (January 2023)

An update for Accredinator is now live and is primarily focused on additional functionality around importing and exporting data in the system.  The new features can be divided into two key areas: i) General import/Export Features and ii )Integration with ORCID.

Additions to general import / export features (All Users) 

  • There is now a dedicated Import & Export menu, which includes all of the import/export features in once place.
  • The option to download Excel templates with sample data for all the available Excel spreadsheets is now in place.
  • Users can now  import and export all publications using an Excel spreadsheet (previously these could only be imported, using the RIS format). This means that those Schools that manage research publications manually or within a non-RIS system, now have the option to import those publications easily into Accredinator.
  • Faculty degree data can now be imported / exported using an Excel spreadsheet, with auto-generation of external parties with degree awarding powers
  • Import and export of AACSB Table 8-1 publication categories is facilitated. This is especially helpful for those situations where you want to export these categories for review by another member of staff. This member of staff can now make changes in the Excel file, and Accredinator will be able to import these changes back in without any further modification.
  • Internal over-rides of AACSB faculty qualification categories (SA, PA, SP, IP and A) can be imported. This is especially helpful for those Schools who are migrating from other software (or a manual system) and want to keep the categories set in the previous accreditation cycle.
  • All publications are now formatted using the latest Harvard style referencing guidelines. (Several extra fields have been added to the publication records to make this possible, including volume, issue, publisher etc.)
  • Apart from Publication RIS type, ORCID publication types can also be added  to a publication record. This can also be used to auto-generate AACSB and EFMD publication categories.

ORCID Integration 

A separate Accredinator ORCID app is now available for all PRO users.  This enables schools to download the ORCID publications from faculty and import them directly into Accredinator. This is ideal for Schools who do not currently have a central research platform or online research repository such as Elements or Pure.

The integration works as follows:

  • Schools capture faculty ORCID ids (including them within Accredinator)
  • An ORCID spreadsheet can then be downloaded from Accredinator, and used (within the Accredinator ORCID app) to generate a completed list of publications from all faculty identified. (as in the image below). Schools can set a date parameter, to avoid having too many old publications etc.
  • The completed spreadsheet is then imported back into Accredinator

For further details on Accredinator and/or to book a free demo,  please contact QED directly by emailing

Accredinator is a software application that helps business schools with accreditation requirements for AABS, AACSB, AMBA and EFMD.  It also provides summary data for PRiME reporting.  You can learn more about  Accredinator (including booking a free demo) here.

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