Accredinator Updates – September 2023

By 20th September 2023Accredinator, Resource

Accredinator – Latest Updates

Latest updates for Accredinator from H2 Software (September 2023)

An update for Accredinator went live in September 2023.  In addition to some general updates and improvements to the user interface (UI), this release focused on data quality management and flagging up common issues with data quality within the system.

In addition to previous ‘flags’, Accredinator now also highlights:

  • Faculty with unnecessary AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA overrides
  • Faculty with missing data (degrees, demographics, etc.)
  • Faculty members excluded from default accreditation faculty groups
  • Faculty with positions that have no discipline (as they will not be included in AACSB reports)
  • Faculty with activities that are probably publications (they should be captured as publications so as not to under-report intellectual contributions)
  • Potential language opportunities for select faculty
  • Faculty with incorrect or overlapping FTE in their positions.

Accredinator will flag a detailed description on any of these identified issues (including how it might impact either data management or accreditation.

For further details on these updates or other features of Accredinator and/or to book a free demo, please contact QED directly by emailing

Accredinator is a software application that helps business schools with accreditation requirements for AABS, AACSB, AMBA and EFMD.  It also provides summary data for PRiME reporting.  You can learn more about  Accredinator (including booking a free demo) here.

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