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QED Advisor nominated for LIFT Award

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QED advisor,  Joanne Powell, has been nominated for a LIFT ( award in the leadership category of Competence. Her nomination included reference to her “love for learning and self improvement and implementing change for the betterment of the organisation” and also noted that she “is highly respected and hugely trusted because of her competency.

LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise aimed at increasing the level of positive leadership in Ireland.  All nominations are being reviewed in the coming weeks, with the shortlist being announced in early January, before the live awards ceremony (date tbc).  To learn more about the LIFT values and LIFT process, visit

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Accreditation Fees & Costs – Nov 2022

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Accreditation Costs

There are several facets to the costs of accreditation:
  1. Payments made to the relevant accreditation bodies and comprise a mix of membership fees, accreditation fees and other expenses etc.  These are relatively fixed and easy to estimate (see link below).
  2. Staffing and advisory costs to support accreditation.  These are harder to estimate, and depend on several factors. For example:
    • Will there be an accreditation team with sufficient time and experience to manage the full accreditation process?
    • Are there additional faculty allowances given to accreditation?
    • Will the School require some external input, to support the internal resources?
  3. Investment Costs:  These vary hugely from school to school and naturally depend on each School’s strategic priorities.  Of course, strategic investment costs are not always linked to accreditation: Some strategic decisions will be made regardless of accreditation plans.  Others may only be made as a consequence of accreditation.

QED has listed the costs and fees associated with each of the accreditation bodies (#1 above), valid as of 11 November 2022.  These can be viewed here.

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AACSB Business Accreditation Standards: Updates 2022

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AACSB Business Accreditation Standards: Updates 2022

AACSB significantly updated its Business Accreditation Standards in 2020.  Since then it issues annual amendments and updates – usually on 1 July.

QED’s overview of the updates made as part of the 2022 publication, together with an assessment of the significance of the change can be found in this downloadable PDF file.

Many of the updates reflect clarification and additional explanation. However, there are a small number of changes which could potentially impact schools (particularly those schools that are pre-eligibility). As always, QED recommends that all schools within an AACSB accreditation process (whether initial or renewal) should review and ensure they have understood the changes and clarifications.

NB: QED’s material represents QED’s interpretation of the AACSB Updates.  We always recommend that you view the updated standards directly – which are available from AACSB’s website in the following formats: 

As above, QED’s summary of the updates across the key documents is available in this downloadable PDF file.

For advice and further details on any of the above, please contact the QED Accreditation Team at


AMBA: New MBA Criteria 2022

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New AMBA MBA Criteria 2022

AMBA is committed to revising its MBA Criteria on a five year basis.  The previous criteria were issued in 2016, but the Covid 19 Pandemic delayed the issue of updated standards in 2021.  These have now been published (18 May 2022).  QED’s overview and summary of the updates made as part of the 2022 publication can be found in this downloadable PDF file.

NB: This document represents QED’s interpretation of the revised AMBA MBA Criteria 2022.  We recommend that you view the updated documents directly – which are available from AMBA’s website:

Currently (18 May 2022), all other documents remain unchanged and can be accessed on the AMBA website.

As above, QED’s overview and summary of the updates made as part of the 2022 publication can be found in this downloadable PDF file.

For advice and further details on any of the above, please contact the QED Accreditation Team at

EQUIS: Updates to standards and guidance 2022

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EQUIS Standards and Guidance: Updates 2022

EFMD revises the documentation supporting EQUIS periodically.  QED’s overview of the updates made as part of the 2022 publication, together with an assessment of the significance of the change can be found in this downloadable PDF file.

There are no significant changes published as at 28 February 2022.  Instead, the revised Standards and Criteria includes additional guidance on assessing Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability. Institutions within the accreditation process OR preparing for re-accreditation are advised to review this guidance.

NB: This document represents QED’s interpretation of the EQUIS Updates.  We recommend that you view the updated document directly – which is available from EFMD’s website:

Currently, other documents remain unchanged, other than some minor updates (e.g. Fee Schedules) as set out in the QED summary The original EFMD documents are available on the EFMD website as outlined below.

As above, QED’s summary of the updates across the key documents is available in this downloadable PDF file.

For advice and further details on any of the above, please contact the QED Accreditation Team at

EFMD Programme Accreditation: Updates 2022

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EFMD Programme Accreditation: Updates 2022

EFMD revises the documentation supporting EFMD Programme Accreditation periodically and updates are usually provided in the first third of each calendar year.  QED’s overview of the updates made as part of the 2022 publication, together with an assessment of the significance of the change can be found in this downloadable PDF file.

The 2022 updates are notable as they mark an extensive review, designed to provide “easier orientation” for viewers, as well as reflecting relevant developments and trends.  These trends are summarised within this document.

Overall, QED’s view is that the revised documents do not carry significant changes from an accreditation viewpoint.  They are easier to follow and reference, plus the increased emphasis perceived in previous updates is continued here – with specific identification of two key areas (digitalisation and research) as areas of focus. These two ‘areas of focus’ are in addition to the normal transversal themes of Internationalisation, ERS and Connections with Practice.

It should be noted that the updates and developments include several changes to the format and content of the EFMD Programme Accreditation Datasheet.

NB: This document represents QED’s interpretation of the EFMD Accredited Updates.  We recommend that you view the updated documents directly – which are available from EFMD’s website

As above, QED’s summary of the updates across the key documents is available in this downloadable PDF file.


For advice and further details on any of the above, please contact the QED Accreditation Team at